Emerald Hymns

Original liturgical music made for the glory of God.

Filtering by Tag: album of the year


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I'm pleased to announce that Psalms, Hymns, & Spiritual Songs ended up on a best of 2017 review as "Album of the Year"! Who knew? Honestly, I'm just happy people are listening to and enjoying the album. Emerald Hymns is in good company on this list. You can see the whole list and review over at JeremyHoward.net. Below is our favorite quote from the review. Onwards and upwards in 2018!

Seattle-based Emerald Hymns is the best band you've never heard of. Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs is the first full-length album by the group, and it may very well go down as their magnum opus. I don't want to overstate it, but it is truly that good.

- JeremyHoward.net